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Dear Church Family,
I am so grateful for your friendship and partnership in the gospel here at Emmanuel Church of the Nazarene. Despite the many challenges faced over the last several years, I can say without a doubt, God has blessed, sustained, and provided in many miraculous ways for the needs of His people. He has brought Emmanuel through, not somehow, but victoriously! I truly believe the greatest days are just ahead.
As I began ministry as lead pastor in 2019, little did I realize, the scope and extent of the vision God would place on my heart for Emmanuel. After an extended period of prayer and fasting, God’s burden laid on my heart was to prepare the people for the harvest of souls He desired to bring into His kingdom through Emmanuel. In faithful response to the vision, I have sought to refine and deepen the people’s faith through focused discipleship and prayer. As a result, I am seeing God starting to bring the harvest in to the kingdom here at Emmanuel.
To continue to pursue this God given vision, I believe the next step in our journey is to expand and restore the present facilities to enable Emmanuel for continued growth and outreach in our community. It is through the principles of biblical stewardship that I believe Emmanuel we will be able to meet the financial goal before us in order to see this vision become a reality.
Any great work of God will require that His people make a renewed commitment to obey His will. Faithful obedience is not always easy, but it pleases the Lord when His people put their trust in Him. Brenda and I also are seeking God regarding our part towards this project.
This booklet has been designed for you! It will help you get a closer look at all the important aspects of the project as part of this stewardship campaign. All the important areas affected by the project, design, important dates, and the capital campaign process. I hope it will be helpful to you, and I pray that it will challenge you as well.
One of the things that has excited me about this project is the opportunity it creates to see what God will do when His people come together to do His will. Imagine what can happen if every family prays and gives sacrificially toward this project! Imagine what God will do with a people who are obedient to His will and live out the Great Commission!
I am excited for the days ahead. I have seen God’s provision for Emmanuel Church of the Nazarene, Wareham and its people through the years. What will He do now? Will you join with myself and the Emmanuel family, for the Lord of the Harvest is looking for those who will serve, give and sacrifice in time, talent and treasure, for the harvest.
Your Pastor,

Jeffrey J. Gray

    • Everything we do will be consistent with God’s Word.


    • There will be “no surprises” – you will never come to a meeting unless the meeting’s purpose has been clearly communicated to you in advance.


    • You will be asked to submit your commitments on or before Commitment Sunday. No one will ask you to attend a campaign event and expect you to fill out a commitment card at that moment.


    • Your campaign commitment will be kept totally confidential.


    • You will never be asked to publicly declare your commitment.


    • There will not be any pressure to participate.
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